Celebrating Success
Annual Vendor And Trade Awards Recognition program has become a tradition to honor those that support us.
Since “in theater” at the Kirkland Performance Center, the event has gone “back stage”, “in clubhouse” and even “intrastellar”.
The Making of A Poster
Crew of Performers
In 2012, Michael and Traci Tenhulzen began looking for a way to re-brand the company’s image to differentiate from local competition. Their post-completion interviews with 20 remodeling customers over the past 3 years exposed them to valuable feedback, including one consistent element: “you do what you say you’re going to do”.
That element was reduced to “performance”, and the entire crew were trained to perform as if on stage.
Within a couple years, the branding effect led to a company-wide implementation of movie-themed components. From red carpet events to directors chairs in the conference room, the company had undergone a transformation that included modified job titles, processes and terminology.
The next logical step was to create a series of annual crew composites out of popular movie posters. Each has significance to some element of the year in review.