The Tenhulzen Yard
This year’s annual company photo is a compilation of individual head shots to replicate the 2005 remake of The Longest Yard. Dai Ross Photography directed our crew of favorite jerseys into various positions.
Our 5th AVATAR (Annual Vendor And Trade Awards Recognition) and 2018 poster release was “On Location” at JM Cellars in Woodinville.
The 2019 poster will be determined by popular vote and our 6th AVATAR event will be “In Production” at a construction project in progress.
Helmets, pads and jerseys were provided by Woodinville Junior Football. If you look closely, the jerseys in the original artwork read Allenville. Woodinville is a bit of a play on that original content, but also eludes to the location of our 2019 AVATAR event.
As fate would have it, this event coincided with the Seahawks’ first playoff game against the Dallas Cowboys at Centurylink Field. The Seahawks were not the victors, but the event was made positive with a white elephant gift exchange.
The event is sponsored in part by JM Cellars, El Gaucho Catering, Butler Valet and Woodinville Wine Country.